MZ Fahmi, NF Sholihah, A Wibrianto, SCW Sakti, F. Simple and fast design of folic acid-based carbon dots as theranostic agent and its drug release aspect.
In , UTS benefited from a one-off transaction in relation to its shareholding in IDP Education Australia Limited. Education. Channel gain based path selection has been recently proposed to simplify the network design of a cluster-based cross-layer multi-hop vehicular communications. Australia paid the university. University of Technology Sydney - Dikutip kali - Data Science - Machine Learning - Recommender System - Fake News - Data Science.
Resource allocation and 3D trajectory design for power-efficient IRS-assisted UAV-NOMA communications. Y Cai, Z Wei, S Hu, C Liu, DWK Ng, J Yuan. Transactional and transformational leadership can be held to a certain degree by a manager, and the most effective leaders are transactional and. Proven experience in data analysis as researcher and lecturer with strong marketing and financial background, including an MBA degree in Finance and.