Dalam bidang kerjanya. Dalam mekanisme penyediaan fasilitas dana hibahnya, GEF SGP juga bekerjasama dengan UNDP dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.

Contact · Email: [email protected] · Email: [email protected] · Phone:+ () Strengthening partnerships with institutions such as district and provincial forestry offices and donor agencies (GEF / SGP) for the development and protection. Bekerja Sama dengan GEF SGP Indonesia dan PKEPKL UNG, Inhides Gelar Diseminasi Hasil Riset Biodiversity Loss di Kawasan SM Nantu & Tahura B. J. Habibie.

The Global Environment Facility's Small Grants Programme aims to deliver global environmental benefits in the GEF Focal Areas of biodiversity conservation. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan 19 Oktober atas kerja sama Community Organizer DAS Bodri dan GEF SGP Indonesia. Acara ini merupakan rangkaian. GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) provides grants directly to Civil Society Organizations, including Community-Based Organizations and Non- Governmental.

undp gef sgp