3. Fitur utama: 1. Mudah digunakan. 2. Dapat memperbesar, memperkecil dan menggulir secara vertikal dan horizontal. Peta offline dari sumber resmi.
Sydney Metro Map. Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink services (New South Wales). Sydney Map. Simpan a black and white image of a subway map with the names of all lines on. Passenger services operated by. Sydney Metro Map - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. V/Line services (Victoria). Transwa services (Western Australia).
U/C | SYDNEY | Metro: Western Sydney Airport (St. Peta Metro Sydney , serta peta angkutan umum/transportasi – semuanya tersedia luring. The 36 km North-West metro in Sydney began operation on 26 May It is the first section of a fully automatic, driverless operated high-speed railway. the sydney trains network is shown in this graphic style, with different lines and colors. Perbesar, perkecil, gulir ke sekeliling.