The distance between Denpasar (Ngurah Rai International Airport) and Melbourne (Melbourne Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles.
The distance between Sydney and Samarinda is km. # km mi Central. It takes approximately 15h 20m to get from Sydney. Nearest city to Melbourne Australia. How long does it take to get from Sydney to Samarinda? The distance between Denpasar (Ngurah Rai International Airport) and Sydney (Sydney Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles. Links and distances # km mi Sydney Australia. List of nearest cities.
Launch map view. Map of how to get from Melbourne to Jepara. What companies run services between Melbourne, VIC. The distance between Indonesia and Australia is 3, kilometers (2, miles). This document provides approximate driving times and distances between major cities and destinations in Australia and New Zealand. Distance: 4, km; Duration: 16h 19m.