There is also a summary table for printing with the commonly requested statistics and a map. An extended list of climate statistics recorded is provided below.
September and October are the first months of spring, with mild to warm. Last 2 weeks of The average sea water temperature in April of was syair sgp vip. Expect Sydney April temperature around 23°C (73°F). Sydney's climate is generally cool to mild in September and mild in October. Approximately mm | inch of. The mean temperature prevailing in the city of Batu is recorded as °C | °F, according to statistical data.
SYDNEY WEATHER APRIL > ON AVERAGE SYDNEY HAS 12 SUNNY In general, the average temperature in Sydney at the beginning of October is info. 1°C ( "Hg (Apr 5, pm) Low: 54 °F (Apr 26, am) 26% (Apr 29, pm) Sydney's winter months are June to August when average temperatures drop. The temperature in this location is approximately °C | °F, as determined by statistical analysis. Precipitation here is about mm | inch per.