Monthly climate statistics for selected Australian sites produced by the Bureau of Meteorology.
September and October are among Sydney's windiest months, with an average of. Featuring detailed daybyday forecasts dynamic graphs of daily rain probabilities and temperature trends to help you plan ahead. Sydney's climate is generally cool to mild in September and mild in October. Musim panas (Desember – Februari) Selama musim panas, suhu rata-rata berkisar antara 18,6 - 25,8°C (65,5 - 78,4°F), dan kelembapan rata-rata melonjak hingga 65%.
The month of maximum warmth in a year is October. The average temperature during this period reaches up to °C | °F, making it the hottest time of the. We provide day and night temperatures, sunshine hours, sea temperature and precipitations averages for Sydney in April. October is the warmest month of the year. The temperature in October averages °C | °F. The month of January registers the most frigid temperatures. Temps.6in of . See weather overview.