Citizens of other countries NOT on the. A tour Visit which includes various tourism activities like: The cost of day tourist visa is USD. 35,- per person.
Visitors should be in possession of valid passport with minimum of 6 months validity and a return or an onwards journey ticket at the time of arrival. Pelayanan Perwakilan Layanan Media (Visa Jurnalistik). Pelayanan Perwakilan. The visa center only handles applications for holding regular passports. Layanan Dokumen Ekspor Impor, Hibah Dan. Macau · Investasi Di Indonesia. This visa. You can continue to fill out the form and submit the visa materials to the embassy.
Foreigners can apply for an Indonesian Visa online by accessing the visa application at by completing the requirements according to. Kami menerapkan sebuah sistem baru untuk Layanan Visa AS mulai 28 September Oleh karena transisi ke sistem online baru dan vendor layanan. Pemohon harus mempunyai sponsor di Indonesia baik perorangan maupun perusahaan; Sponsor atau pemohon dapat mengajukan permohonan persetujuan visa terlebih.