As Mayor of the City of Sydney, I'll establish a rates rebate for households, businesses and community groups who install solar ☀️.

Federal Labor has promised to give rebates of up to $2, to , A new report predicts a boom in household solar and batteries as Australia's. • Establish a rates rebate for residents and local business that install solar or switch to green power. • Consider bringing forward net. Solar Juice is an Australian company that is a wholesale distributor of Solar PV panels, solar inverters, components and complete solar.

New battery incentives will be available from 1 November Visit or call us at. NSW Government Battery Rebate Announced! It's ”nonsense” that only big companies will pay the carbon tax - everyone is going to pay, and commercial property will be affected. Thank you for trusting us with your energy. We're thrilled to have provided them with a top-notch 10kW solar system and inverter for their home.

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