Wong is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon with sub-specialist interests in cataract, medical retinal diseases and intraocular inflammatory diseases / uveitis. Dr.
Dr Ang Beng Chong memperoleh Colombo Plan Fellowship untuk bidang kedokteran mata di Sydney Eye Hospital, Australia pada tahun Pada tahun , Dr Ang. Konsultan Dokter Spesialis Mata, Ahli Bedah Vitreoretina Seremban KualifikasiMBBS (Manipal), M. Med Ophthal (UM), Retina Fellowship (Sydney), CCFT. Sydney Ophthalmic Specialists, Sydney, Australia. Sydney Ophthalmic Specialists is a leading centre of excellence. sukaan · pernah berada di sini.
A Sydney to Hobart sailor plans to take his yacht further afield, to the Pacific Islands, to assess hundreds of patients and perform eye. Specialty: Ophthalmology ; Subspesialisasi: Kornea & Penyakit Mata Eksternal ; Kekhususan: Oftalmologi ; Kualifikasi: M.B.B.S. (India), MS Ophthalmology (UM), CCFT. Vitreoretinal Surgeon/Opththalmologist · Experienced ophthalmologist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry.