Maximum temperatures (°C).

An extended list of climate statistics recorded is provided below. There is also a summary table for printing with the commonly requested statistics and a map. Get the monthly weather forecast for Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. Minimum temperatures (°C).

Musim semi: September - November Musim semi di Australia ditandai dengan siang hari yang cerah dan malam hari yang sejuk. Jacaranda dan bunga liar bermekaran. Suhu terendah setiap hari naik 2°C, dari 13°C hingga 16°C. Temperatures Typically October in Sydney includes moderate temperatures and high rainfall48 quotHg Oct 17 Suhu tertinggi harian sekitar 23°C, jarang turun di bawah 17°C atau melebihi 30°C.

october temperature sydney