Certified Trainer of NS-NLP, Sydney – Australia; Certified Trainer of Accelerated Learning in Neuro-Semantics, Sydney, Australia; Certified Identity Compass.
What: FasTrak NLP Practitioner Training. Short Course: Graduate Certificate of Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP), Inspiritive Sydney Australia. Join us in May for a life-changing opportunity to become a certified NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner! For 7 incredible days you will. 7-DAY NLP PRACTITIONER TRAINING CERTIFICATION. Sir Stamford at Circular Quay, 93 Macquarie St, Sydney NSW , Australia.
Here is your chance to practice some of your NLP skills, review your knowledge, learn something new and meet other. "Director and Founder of Discover Elite, Maria Costa, is an established NLP Psychotherapist and Performance Mindset Coach, based in Sydney. It's time to practice your NLP skills! We currently train in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and the USA. All of our NLP Certification programs are trained specifically by Laureli Blyth and Dr. Heidi.