Distance from Denpasar to Newcastle (Ngurah Rai International Airport – Newcastle Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles.
The distance between Sydney and Jakarta is km. It takes approximately 15h 20m to get from Sydney. The distance between Sydney and Samarinda is km. It takes. How long does it take to get from Sydney to Samarinda? How long does it take to get from Sydney to Jakarta? How far is it from Sydney to Jakarta? Distance from Denpasar to Sydney · miles · kilometers · nautical miles.
Just a minute drive from the heart of Newcastle, guests can take a dip in the outdoor pool at The Executive Inn, Newcastle. # km mi Sydney Australia. The fastest direct flight from Denpasar to Sydney takes 6 hours and 5 minutes. # km mi Newcastle Australia. # km mi Central Coast Australia. # km mi Gold Coast. Free WiFi is available in all. The flight distance between Denpasar and Sydney is 2, miles (or 4, km).