Please note that these. Flights from Macau to Kota Kinabalu take from 3 hours and 5 minutes up to 9 hours and 10 minutes, depending on your stopover airport.

Info of Flight Schedule & Flight Time from Banda Aceh to Kuala Lumpur. The flight duration Jakarta to Macau typically ranges from 4 to 6 hours, depending on the airline and any layovers. Flight Time, 2 hours 3 minutes. Direct flights are the quickest option. The flight distance between Macau and Jakarta is 2, miles (or 3, km). The fastest direct flight from Macau to Jakarta takes 4 hours and 50 minutes. Earliest Flight, ⇒ Start.

Flight Take Off - Air Macau from Kuala Lumpur to Macau #shorts. No views · 16 minutes ago Malaysia Airlines Take Off Kuala Lumpur. The flight from Muara Teweh to Macau will take around 0 hr(s) 0 mins. Flights from Macau to MalaysiaFlights from Macau to SingaporeFlights from Macau. How long the duration of flights from Muara Teweh to Macau? The average flight time from Macau to Indonesia is 4 hours and 50 minutes.

malaysia to macau flight duration