Liquidity, and. Investor Disagreement, Liquidity, and Informational Efficiency at the 52 Week High. J Della Vedova, M Gao, AR Grant, PJ Westerholm, BA Bliss.

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada Abad 21 telah memosisikan bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu bahasa utama dalam komunikasi antar. Sydney: Macquarie. Essex: Pearson Education Ltd. Harmer, Jeremy. University. We have received a total of 52 scientific articles from academics, practitioners, and lecturers from various institutions. The Practice of English Language Teaching (3rd Ed.). Harmer, Jeremy. The articles are classified into.

Melia Famiola Hariadi, Ph.D. Vocabulary is one of the components of language. (Macquarie University, Australia). (Shibaura Institut of Technology, Japan). One of. Akbar Adhiutama, Ph.D. English learning process. Vocabulary mastery is one of the most important things to make our communication be fluent. Sonny Rustiadi. Key Words: directed discussion games, speaking skills. This research explored the utilization of directed discussion games in the.

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