Yearly calendar showing months for the year Calendars – online and print friendly – for any year and month. Indonesia – Calendar with holidays.

Temukan gambar stok Holiday macau beresolusi HD dan jutaan foto, objek 3D, ilustrasi, dan vektor stok tanpa royalti lainnya di koleksi Shutterstock. Date, Name, Type. Feb 8, Thursday, Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad, Public Holiday. As of 1 May , applicants who hold ordinary passports and apply for ordinary visas for Hong Kong/Macau SAR are required to submit their applications at the. Jan 1, Monday, New Year's Day, Public Holiday.

NB: libur tanggal merah (public holiday) apabila bertepatan pada hari minggu mendapatkan ganti hari lainya / di bayar bila tidak libur. April 2. Eight Hours Day (Tasmania). 联系我们@3x Contact Us. © PT. March Public Holiday (South Australia). No kontak. Customer Care (62 21) Mon-Fri: am - pm (Excluding public holiday). macau. Canberra Day (Australian Capital Territory). Good Friday. Labour Day (Victoria). Making a Claim · Our Medical Network.

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