Indulge in a wide selection of dining options at Macau Fisherman's Wharf, from European luxury brand amenities to Shanghainese and international cuisine.

good to stay here at night few people, windy, well lighted and very safe. On the other side of the world, Macau Fisherman's Wharf has recreated a replicate Roman Amphitheatre, covering an area of approximately 3, square metres. Tour Dermaga Nelayan Makau ; Macau Open Top Bus Night Tour · () • 30K+ kali dipesan · Rp , Diskon 7. Access wifi turn ur mp3 on for nice music very relaxing! Combo ; Hop-On Hop-Off Open Top Bus Tour di Makau. Im gonna miss this place.

Harga terkini: hotel Macau Fisherman's Wharf mulai Rp bintang 2 hotel, harga mulai Rp Tur akan mengunjungi atraksi hiburan yang terkenal, Macau Fisherman Wharf. 【澳門漁人碼頭除夕狂歡迎】 今年我們的除夕狂歡派對,將會在12月31日晚上九時半 開始,於勵駿廣場舉行。屆時一眾新生代港澳歌手雲集 ,與大家一同在歡樂氣氛下踏. Cari hotel Macau Fisherman's Wharf Makau?

macau fishermans wharf at the night