Penerbit: Asian Organic Law of the Commission Against Corruption. Penerbit: Administrativa. Anticorruption: Our Framework Policies and Strategies.
Penerbit: OECD Publishing. No. The current law is the Anti-Corruption Act of , abbreviated as CA,. which combines the three Acts. Indonesian Anti-Corruption Laws & Regulations Determining the Scope of Anti-bribery Management System. Fighting corruption in Eastern europe and central asia: The istanbul anti-corruption action plan: Progress and challenges. BPR is a body tasked with helping to fight corruption. Bribery and Corruption Regulations.
CPIB Singapore – Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau – • MACC Malaysia – Anti Corruption Agency – • ICAC Hong Kong – Independent Commission Against. This provision can be seen in Article It is impossible to reform a country if corruption is still rampant Fighting corruption is a war against the corrupt mafia that is very solid. The PTPK Law has actually formulated sanctions against criminal acts of corruption committed by corporations.