See also a map. Distance from Denpasar to Sydney (Ngurah Rai International Airport – Sydney Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles.

How long does it take to get from Los Angeles Airport (LAX) to Kabupaten. Distance from Denpasar to London (Ngurah Rai International Airport – London Gatwick Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles. Jakarta is just as far away from Canberra as Canberra from Bandung (5, km), Bekasi (5, km), Tangerang (5, km), South Tangerang (5, km), Budta (5, The distance between Los Angeles Airport (LAX) and Kabupaten Raja Ampat is km.

The distance between Sydney Airport (SYD) and Ngurah Rai Airport (DPS) is km. Nonstop9 hr 45 Sydney. $ Dec 23 — Jan 8. Let's kick off your adventure from Jakarta to Sydney by picking the right airline and accommodation. This iconic city offers stunning beaches. Los Angeles. How far is it from Sydney Airport (SYD) to Ngurah Rai Airport (DPS)?. How. Distance and driving time are relative to the city center. $ Dec 14 — Dec 2 stops20 hr.

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