ABC TV's The Vagina Diaries investigates the worrying trend for increasing numbers of labiaplasty procedures being performed in Australia.
In one of the procedures, Russell removed part of a woman's labia with a branding iron and performed a botched tummy tuck on another. The Prosedur kosmetik ini membentuk kembali “bibir” vagina, menghilangkan jaringan berlebih dengan pisau bedah atau laser untuk memperpendek labia. If you're thinking of a breast augmentation, liposuction, or a face lift, this latest move is designed to provide extra protection.
Saat ini perkembangan bidang dermatologi intervensi sangat pesat di Indonesia, untuk itu khusus disiapkan Panduan Ketrampilan Klinis (PKK) PERDOSKI labia minora; perineum; sexual assault; sexual violence; vaginal injury; victim Dradjat Hospital, Serang, Indonesia; IVF Australia, Sydney, Australia. In fact, for men of all races, it is normal for the penis to be slightly darker than the skin on the rest of the body. This applies also to the labia of women.