Sydney The Capital City definition of Sydney remains essentially unchanged from the current Sydney SD, apart from several small differences.

Capital City: Canberra. Established: Commonwealth formed: 1 January. Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, and also some islands of Oceania. - Total: 7,, km² (ranked 6). Country Capital city. All capital cities in Australia and Oceania listed by country. Politics / Government. The world's largest cities. Sab se barraa City: Sydney. Area. Cities ranked 1 to ; Sydney, Australia ; Guangzhou, China ; SINGAPORE, Singapore ; Madras, India. A Australia.

The city is Australia's largest financial. It is the state capital of New South Wales and is the site of the first European colony in Australia. Sydney is an Australias South-oriental city, capital of New South Galles State and is the australian most ancient city and financial, commercial and cultural. New South Wales merupakan tujuan wisata lengkap yang. Sydney, ibu kota yang ramai dan kota terbesar di negara ini, terletak di pinggir pantai Port Jackson.

is sydney a capital city