The distance between Denpasar (Ngurah Rai International Airport) and Sydney (Sydney Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles.
The distance between Indonesia and Australia is 3, kilometers (2, miles). Distance from Batam to Sydney · miles · kilometers · nautical miles. How far is it from Sydney to Jakarta? The distance between Sydney and Jakarta is km.
The flight distance between the nearest airports Canberra (CBR) and Jakarta (CGK) is 3, mi. There is no direct connection from. How far is it from Jakarta to Sydney? Distance: 5, km; Duration: 14h 51m. The calculated distance (air line) between Jakarta and Sydney is approximately 3, miles respectively 5, kilometers. Flight route: 3, mi (5, km) (6h 51min). What companies run services between Sydney, NSW, Australia and Bandung, Indonesia?