Distance from Denpasar to Hong Kong · miles · kilometers · nautical miles.
The distance between Hong Kong and Sumatra is km. The fastest direct flight from Macau to Jakarta takes 4 hours and 50 minutes. Start. How long does. The distance between Ujung Pandang (Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport) and Hong Kong (Hong Kong International Airport) is miles / How far is it from Hong Kong to Sumatra? The flight distance between Macau and Jakarta is 2, miles (or 3, km).
5 Ways to Travel Macao ↔️ HK · Tips Hemat! How long does it take to get from Hong Kong to Waisai? Come with me for 4D3N in Hong Kong & Macau · How to Choose?? /5Sangat baik Ulasan. km dari bandara. It takes approximately 14h 6m to get from Hong Kong. Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong Macau-Zhuhai Bridge and Shenzhen Bay. Novotel Citygate Hong Kong. The distance between Hong Kong and Waisai is km. · ITENERARY HONGKONG MACAU ·.