Waktu Pelaksanaan: Senin, 07 Januari s.d Kamis, 10 Januari ; Lokasi / Penyelenggara: Hong Kong Convention and Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

barnabydixson.com Peta Tempat dan Hotel Sekitar. Silakan mendaftar di situs resmi Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair. Berita Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair - Tahun depan, toys atau mainan robotik akan menjadi barang incaran orang tua dan jadi tren di Indonesia. Hong Kong - Pusat. Dear All Hobbyfreakz, Distributor and Seller, MULTITOYS in collaboration with SACCA Production, will held our big hobby event: "BATTLE OF THE TOYS ".

From January , the 49th Hong Kong Toy Fair, the world's first professional toy fair in toys, Eko Wibowo and other business attending Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair, HKTDC a few days ago, attempted to attract investment and explore. Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair. The World's First Toy Fair, Opening Soon!

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