Hong Kong/Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 7,5, 7,5, 7,5, 7,5, 7 Statistics Indonesia, Population projection result of the Intercensal.

The variant is either a learner interlanguage or emergent variant. Jumlah total populasi di Hong Kong diperkirakan mencapai 7,5 juta orang pada tahun , menurut angka sensus terbaru dan proyeksi dari Trading Economics. Populasi Hong Kong SAR (China) dilaporkan sebesar Orang mn pada Rekor ini naik dibanding sebelumnya yaitu Orang mn untuk Hong Kong English is a variety of the English language native to Hong Kong.

Buddhists and Taoists make up the vast majority. Others (estimates): Christians ; Muslims 90 ; Hindus 40 ; Sikhs 8 ; Jews 2 Population Census, CHMA, Centaline Housing Market Areas,Tak Kei St,Tak Po St,Pak Tak St,Lok Shing St,Tak Yi St,Hang Shing St,Tak Wing St,Cheung Shing. The city is struggling with its ageing population, some of whom are working into their 90s, gathering rubbish to make ends meet.

hk population