It does not mean to be wholly accurate but offers a roughly geographical. English: SVG route map for the MTR (English), the Hong Kong metro/subway system.

Fitur utama: 1. 2. Mudah digunakan. It does not mean to be wholly accurate but offers a roughly geographical sense. 3. The document provides 6 figures and maps to assist with travel in Hong Kong, including: a map of Hong Kong with major transport routes, a map of Shatin. English: Blank svg route map for MTR (EN), the Hong Kong metro/subway system. Dapat memperbesar, memperkecil dan menggulir secara vertikal dan horizontal. Peta offline dari sumber resmi.

Peta Mtr Hong Kong , serta peta angkutan umum/transportasi – semuanya tersedia luring. MTR System Map Hong Kong #MtrMapHongkong #MtrSystemMap #MtrSystemMapHongkong #MapKeretaCepatHongkong #KeretaCepatLuarNegeri #HongkongMtr. English: SVG route map for the MTR (Traditional Chinese), the Hong Kong metro/subway system. Perbesar, perkecil, gulir ke sekeliling. It does not mean to be wholly accurate but offers a roughly.

hk mtr system map