To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in respect of the above policy areas prior to their formal.

Lapangan luar ruangan disediakan oleh Departemen Layanan Rekreasi dan Kebudayaan (LCSD) di wilayah perkotaan dan New Territories secara gratis. Tiffany Yuen Ka-wai, former Vice Chairperson of pro-democracy Demosisto party, is contesting the seat in Southern District Council for Tin Wan. Di bawah paket reformasi konstitusi yang lolos pada tahun , ada lima Dewan Daerah (Kedua) konstituen fungsional baru dicalonkan oleh Anggota Dewan Daerah.

Perdagangan Internasional dan Pengembangan. Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Wan Chai, Hong Kong pengikut. local district council elections flipped from pro-Beijing to pro-democracy candidates. The HKTDC helps you grow your business. Dec 20, · The LegCo, Hong Kong's mini-parliament, is a powerful. Informasi untuk Masyarakat dari Berbagai Ras · Bahasa Indonesia · Leisure Services (Layanan Rekreasi) · Cultural Services (Layanan Kebudayaan).

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