Dr. Le is also the. seminars and conferences on English language education, quality assurance and internationalization of higher education.
Exciting Opportunity for Students We are thrilled to announce the Macau Teaching Odyssey: School Attachment and Cultural Exploration. benefits from this conference, especially in the area of English language teaching with all its aspects and in the capacity building in the area of team. This document summarizes a student's experience participating in an international seminar in Macau, China as part of a field study requirement for their.
National Conference on TEFL in Digital Era provides a. The Asia TEFL International Conference Macau, China; June , IATA National Conference on "Challenges of English Teachers in. STKIP PGRI Tulungagung presents National conference for Teaching English as a Foreigen Language. Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indo- nesia), and Asia TEFL. This conference was designed to provide a forum for EFL teaching and learning. R Manuputty.