The flight distance between Macau and Jakarta is 2, miles (or 3, km). The fastest direct flight from Macau to Jakarta takes 4 hours and 50 minutes.

Check flights schedule of available airlines flying from Jakarta to Macau today. The flight duration Jakarta to Macau typically ranges from 4 to 6 hours, depending on the airline and any layovers. Fly from Jakarta to Macau one-way / round-trip for cheap price. Looking for a cheap flight from Macau to Indonesia? Direct flights are the quickest option. Compare prices for every major airline, find the best time to fly, then book with no added fees.

Browse direct flights to Jakarta and other popular destinations in Indonesia on Cheapflights. The fastest way to get from Soekarno–Hatta Airport (CGK) to Macau Airport (MFM) is to fly which takes 4h 50m and costs $90 - $ How far is it from Soekarno. Tiket Pesawat Secara Satu Arah direct dengan Air Macau Berangkat dari Bandara Internasional Makaupada tanggal Kam, 12 Des, dan Tiba di Bandara Internasional.

direct flight from macau to cgk