This course will give you the understanding of customer service, effective communication, processing skills, maintaining and managing workplace information.

The qualification requires the completion of 12 units of competency which includes 6 core and 6 electives. Course duration. 52 weeks which is made up of This nationally recognised course will introduce you to skills and knowledge such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, customer service. At Mercury College we provide intensive training for career success in a professional learning environment that is both challenging and motivating.

Australia Awards in Indonesia plans to deliver the following short courses by the end of The course providers will be selected through open tenders. Catch is an exciting Sydney based, Registered Training Organisation that provides high quality, face to face training courses that help student's progress. Discover how here. Call centre QA is how you'll ensure your contact centre is creating loyal customers. But how do you go about it?

customer service course sydney