COVID LATEST FIGURES NÚMEROS ACTUALIZADOS COVID Confirmed Cases/Casos Confirmados – Deaths/Mortes – Recovered Patients/Doentes.
It was established on 13 March , coordinated by Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management, involves Ministry of Health, Indonesian National Police. Of the countries and territories affected by the COVID pandemic, Indonesia is in 20th place with 6,, cases, , people died, and 6,, number and location of confirmed COVID cases, deaths, and recoveries in all affected countries.
The number of Indonesians abroad who gets infected Covid rose to people, a jump by more than a third from two weeks ago, spreading across 31 countries. 1 Cases by province and region. Terrorism Funding. The provision of. Table. In the period of January - June alone, PPATK has provided support for TPPU Expert testimonies and 5 cases for. This article presents the official statistics collected during the COVID pandemic in Indonesia. Contents.