COVID LATEST FIGURES NÚMEROS ACTUALIZADOS COVID Confirmed Cases/Casos Confirmados – , Deaths/Mortes – 4, Recovered Patients/Doentes.

Contents. ,(+ summary · China · cases chart · confirmed per capita · lockdowns · by province · Hong Kong. This article presents the official statistics collected during the COVID pandemic in Indonesia. ,(+%), 5,(+%). Table. 1 Cases by province and region. Trend of daily new confirmed COVID cases Source: Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID data, official data collated by Our World in Data ().

Overall, cases, or percent of the total confirmed cases have recovered. The latest update informs us about , confirmed cases and about 12, confirmed deaths. New coronavirus-related deaths have not been reported this. China on Wednesday reported another drop in the number of new cases of a viral infection and 97 more deaths pushing the total dead past even as the. This probably makes the Covid as the most dangerous.

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