Holy Trinity Community is a Catholic community that embodies the true Christian spirit: Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind (Mark ).
The. An Indonesian Catholic Church Community based in Sydney that is all about growing in intimacy with God, character, and impacting society as a whole. St Mary's Catholic Church, North Sydney memperbarui foto profilnya. St Benedict's is a beautiful Catholic Church at the junction of Abercrombie and Broadway in the South West Inner City suburb of Chippingdalele Sydney.
barnabydixson.com School Hall20 Boundary Road. CP. The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney exists to serve the People of God in the city of Sydney, including the Eastern, Southern, inner-Western and South-Western. Catholic Indonesian Community adalah persekutuan Sydney dan kota-kota sekitar Negara bagian New South Wales Australia. Date: Thursday, October 31st, Time: PM Location: SPJ Hall ( Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW ) Speaker: Fr. Agustinus Handoko MSC Cost: Free!