The Top End experienced showers and thunderstorms on Wednesday and overnight, bringing some moderate to heavy rainfall.
For the latest forecasts and warnings, go to our website or the BOM Weather app. Thunderstorms impacted south-east Queensland and parts of the New South Wales coast on Monday afternoon. Photo credit: 1 – George Berg Photography. Photo credit: 1 – Daniel James, Pankenham, Vic 2. Many of these storms strengthened. For the latest forecasts and warnings go to our website or the BOM Weather app.
Sekarang uranium digunakan untuk membangkitkan tenaga listrik dan menjadi bahan bakar yang berharga. Kira-kira. Uranium telah digunakan untuk membuat bom atom. Steven SherwoodUNSW SydneyEmail yang diverifikasi di Acacia PeplerBureau of MeteorologyEmail yang diverifikasi di Here's a new bookmark for the browser on your mobile device: The Bureau of Meteorology has finally released its new mobile website, formatted.