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Gynecologic Oncologist at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado and Prof. OB/GYN, lasso of truth, NYT bestseller. Canadian Spice. best. Dr. R. D Kandou General Hospital. My journey started with a medical degree, and I graduated as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, but my passion for fitness and sports. Posts not medical advice. · Photo by Jen Gunter on October 31, Suzanna Patricia Mongan.
Achievement ; 5, Young gynecologist award Asia Oceania, ; 6, Pemenang ke-2 Sarwono Award PB POGI, ; 6, Peneliti terbaik pertama FKUI, ; 7, Peneliti. best health services, equipped with the commitment and desire to consistently improve the quality of public health. Technological advances in the health. UTROGESTAN is used for women who need extra progesterone while undergoing fertility treatment (eg ART); for the treatment of unexplained threatened miscarriage.