The distance between Denpasar (Ngurah Rai International Airport) and Sydney (Sydney Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles.
Distance: 4, km; Duration: 8h 53m. What companies run services between Sydney, NSW, Australia and Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia? Virgin Australia, Malindo. The distance between Denpasar (Ngurah Rai International Airport) and Newcastle (Newcastle Airport) is miles / kilometers / nautical miles. The flight distance between Denpasar and Sydney is 2, miles (or 4, km). The fastest direct flight from Denpasar to Sydney takes 6 hours and 5 minutes.
How long does it take to get from Sydney Airport (SYD) to Ngurah Rai Airport. Looking at. The flight distance between Sydney and Denpasar is 2, miles (or 4, km). The distance between Sydney Airport (SYD) and Ngurah Rai Airport (DPS) is km. The fastest direct flight from Sydney to Denpasar takes 5 hours and 30 minutes. The average flight time from Bali (Denpasar) to Australia is 5 hours. What is the cheapest airline that flies to Australia from Bali (Denpasar)?.