Namanya diambil dari nama J. F. Archibald, pemilik dan editor majalah The Bulletin, yang mewariskan dana untuk. Air Mancur Archibald, yang biasa disebut Air Mancur Peringatan J. F. Archibald, terletak di Hyde Park, di pusat kota Sydney.

Blak Douglas, a Sydney-based artist with Dhungatti heritage, has won the Archibald Prize and $, for his portrait of artist Karla. The Archibald Memorial Fountain is located at the north end of Hyde Park and is a frequent spot for selfies and other photo shoots. We are delighted to welcome Archibald Prize Winner - LAURA JONES to the gallery this week to celebrate her current solo exhibition.

Finalists and Packing Room. UPDATE: Del Kathryn Barton has won the Archibald Prize for her portrait of Hugo Weaving. This is the second time Barton has won the prize, her last winner. Bondi-based artist and recent @artgalleryofnsw Archibald Prize finalist @nicola__higgins explores themes of self-expression and digital. Winner: Archibald Prize First awarded in and chosen by the Gallery staff who receive, unpack and hang the entries.

archibald sydney