The online payments can be done using Visa, Mastercard, and. The Electronic Visa on Arrival cannot be converted into another type of stay permit.
The Indonesian Government added countries whose citizens can enter Indonesia with Visa Macau; Malaysia; Maldives; Malta; Mexico; Monaco; Morocco; Myanmar. Get information to view a current list of all available positions at the U.S. Mission and to apply online at our ERA site. Citizens of other countries NOT on the Pay Visa-on Arrival or Visa-Free facility lists will be required to apply for a visit visa at the Directorate General.
Country of Residence *. Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Albania, Algeria, American. To contact the American Citizen Services Section to report an emergency – death or arrest of a U.S. citizen – please call the following number: + Visas are based on passport, not residency - it does not matter where you live. Although they're part of China (which requires visa for Indonesian passport holders), Hong Kong and Macau have their own immigration policies.