Agile in the changing world and markets, foster stronger Collaboration, and encourage more. The ACE behaviors reflect our efforts to be.

Peningkatan Pendapatan. All financial information is presented in Rupiah currency. KINERJA Performance in Pendapatan. The Annual and Sustainability Report consists of forward- looking statements on financial conditions, operational results, projects, plans. Many of our achievements and progress can be readily measured, seen in charts, and reported in our financial statements, such as our increase in the number. Revenues.

“As we face a global economic downturn and the imminent threat of climate change, BRI stands tall in its commitment to carry out sustainable. This report contains information related to the sustainability principles in all business aspects as well as the Company's economic, social, and. The facts and opinions stated or expressed in this publication are for information purposes only and are not necessarily and must not be relied upon.

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